Category Archives: Trivia

Beyond the Juice: The Role of Blogs and Awards

Scent Culture: Artistic perfumery has essentially been about the juice from its very beginning in the late 1970s: Jean Laporte started L’Artisan Parfumeur and  focused on the juice as well as its creator. Later on, corporate players became interested in

Beyond the Juice: The Role of Blogs and Awards

Scent Culture: Artistic perfumery has essentially been about the juice from its very beginning in the late 1970s: Jean Laporte started L’Artisan Parfumeur and  focused on the juice as well as its creator. Later on, corporate players became interested in

Who are we? Help answer the question (scroll down for poll)

I blog, you blog, we all blog. And I happen to blog about perfume. It started as an outburst of the exhilaration I was feeling every time I discovered a perfume that not only smelled good, but also spoke. I

Who are we? Help answer the question (scroll down for poll)

I blog, you blog, we all blog. And I happen to blog about perfume. It started as an outburst of the exhilaration I was feeling every time I discovered a perfume that not only smelled good, but also spoke. I

New year revolutions, 2015

Happy New Year to everybody! I hope 2014 left you with the right amount of bittersweet after-taste to make you long for everything 2015 is bringing. I spent a nice, long break away from Geneva and work in Athens, and

New year revolutions, 2015

Happy New Year to everybody! I hope 2014 left you with the right amount of bittersweet after-taste to make you long for everything 2015 is bringing. I spent a nice, long break away from Geneva and work in Athens, and

My nose is still alive

I haven’t posted here for what seems like ages but this is to confirm that it is not for lack of interest. I have been sniffing around and I continue to be amazed by what fragrance means to me and

My nose is still alive

I haven’t posted here for what seems like ages but this is to confirm that it is not for lack of interest. I have been sniffing around and I continue to be amazed by what fragrance means to me and

What happened when I found myself in the proverbial “desert island” situation.

Moving to a new country in a very short time is not easy. One has  to be selective and comprehensive. I decided to take with me only a handful of bottles and leave my behemoth of a collection behind. Truth

What happened when I found myself in the proverbial “desert island” situation.

Moving to a new country in a very short time is not easy. One has  to be selective and comprehensive. I decided to take with me only a handful of bottles and leave my behemoth of a collection behind. Truth

While I was away…

I haven’t posted here in ages and I have missed doing so but circumstances beyond my control have taken all of my time and, most of all, all of my energy. Little did I know last March, when I decided

While I was away…

I haven’t posted here in ages and I have missed doing so but circumstances beyond my control have taken all of my time and, most of all, all of my energy. Little did I know last March, when I decided

Settling in in my new place – Spring is here

Moving day is over. The process of making the new place a home has began. Today was my first day at work after moving and I walked to work from my new route. Being able to go to work on

Settling in in my new place – Spring is here

Moving day is over. The process of making the new place a home has began. Today was my first day at work after moving and I walked to work from my new route. Being able to go to work on

Brief hiatus – the smell of change

For the past week or so I have gradually come to live out of a box. I am moving to a new flat and everything is packed in boxes, including six boxes of perfume bottles and a couple of boxes

Brief hiatus – the smell of change

For the past week or so I have gradually come to live out of a box. I am moving to a new flat and everything is packed in boxes, including six boxes of perfume bottles and a couple of boxes

How to Judge a Good Perfume From a Bad Perfume | Christophe Laudamiel | Straight from the Perfumer’s Nose

How to Judge a Good Perfume From a Bad Perfume | Christophe Laudamiel | Big Think. A very interesting approach on how a perfumer judges quality in perfume. Essentially it is a highly subjective process where things like originality, complexity

How to Judge a Good Perfume From a Bad Perfume | Christophe Laudamiel | Straight from the Perfumer’s Nose

How to Judge a Good Perfume From a Bad Perfume | Christophe Laudamiel | Big Think. A very interesting approach on how a perfumer judges quality in perfume. Essentially it is a highly subjective process where things like originality, complexity

Is Quality a real quality?

I recently made my most expensive perfume purchase, a scent I have always wanted to wear and in its most expensive version: Aromatics Elixir Perfumer’s Reserve. At 4 euro per ml it has without a doubt broken a glass ceiling

Is Quality a real quality?

I recently made my most expensive perfume purchase, a scent I have always wanted to wear and in its most expensive version: Aromatics Elixir Perfumer’s Reserve. At 4 euro per ml it has without a doubt broken a glass ceiling

+ Q Perfume Blog: MAD NYC opens Chandler Burr’s Scent Exhibition

  + Q Perfume Blog: MAD NYC opens Chandler Burr’s Scent Exhibition. All the best for this ambitious project. All of us perfume lovers who have been keeping our passion in the closet for fear of being considered snob aesthetes are

+ Q Perfume Blog: MAD NYC opens Chandler Burr’s Scent Exhibition

  + Q Perfume Blog: MAD NYC opens Chandler Burr’s Scent Exhibition. All the best for this ambitious project. All of us perfume lovers who have been keeping our passion in the closet for fear of being considered snob aesthetes are

Smell Me installation by Martynka Wawrzyniak at envoy enterprises

Some may find it repulsive. Others simply gimmicky. The artist went through a painstaking and time-consuming process to collect the essence of her sweat, tears and hair among other things. What makes this very interesting is that she collaborated with Yann

Smell Me installation by Martynka Wawrzyniak at envoy enterprises

Some may find it repulsive. Others simply gimmicky. The artist went through a painstaking and time-consuming process to collect the essence of her sweat, tears and hair among other things. What makes this very interesting is that she collaborated with Yann

Shiseido Eudermine: Ceci n’est pas un parfum!

I don’t talk about cosmetics but the other day I was looking at my empty bottle of Eudermine and  I couldn’t resist showing it to you. Eudermine was released in 1893 and it marked Shiseido’s move from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics.

Shiseido Eudermine: Ceci n’est pas un parfum!

I don’t talk about cosmetics but the other day I was looking at my empty bottle of Eudermine and  I couldn’t resist showing it to you. Eudermine was released in 1893 and it marked Shiseido’s move from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics.

The question of art

This is first for me. I am not posting about a perfume but I would like to draw your attention to this amazingly written post by Sherapop. I usually post everything perfume related that I enjoy reading on my Pinterest

The question of art

This is first for me. I am not posting about a perfume but I would like to draw your attention to this amazingly written post by Sherapop. I usually post everything perfume related that I enjoy reading on my Pinterest

The death of Eternity for Men and the rise of the Annoying SA

The other day I decided to visit my nearest shop of the biggest cosmetics chain in Greece. I wanted to buy Eternity for Men for a friend who loves it. What followed is a trip to insanity. According to the

The death of Eternity for Men and the rise of the Annoying SA

The other day I decided to visit my nearest shop of the biggest cosmetics chain in Greece. I wanted to buy Eternity for Men for a friend who loves it. What followed is a trip to insanity. According to the

The Memory of Scent: a book, synonymy and serendipity

A few days ago Google revealed to me that a book bearing the name of my blog is being launched somewhere in the world. A few hours later Lisa Burkitt, the author left a warm comment on my “Share the

The Memory of Scent: a book, synonymy and serendipity

A few days ago Google revealed to me that a book bearing the name of my blog is being launched somewhere in the world. A few hours later Lisa Burkitt, the author left a warm comment on my “Share the

How I smell: a disclaimer

I felt the need to re-introduce myself and explain a few things about how I write about perfume. I do not pretend to know a lot about perfume, I just like it a lot and we have developed some sort

How I smell: a disclaimer

I felt the need to re-introduce myself and explain a few things about how I write about perfume. I do not pretend to know a lot about perfume, I just like it a lot and we have developed some sort

The Spirit of Kerosene: Being John Pegg

At the risk of being repetitive I cannot stress enough how much I admire Kerosene perfumes for their fresh, evocative, unpretentious approach to perfume. I was pleasantly surprised by R’oud Elements only to be swept off my feet by Creature

The Spirit of Kerosene: Being John Pegg

At the risk of being repetitive I cannot stress enough how much I admire Kerosene perfumes for their fresh, evocative, unpretentious approach to perfume. I was pleasantly surprised by R’oud Elements only to be swept off my feet by Creature

Tom Ford Urban Musk: mind-maps and memory hard-wiring

The last day of 2011 was marked by an unplanned, unexpected purchase and a happy trip to childhood. It was Tom Ford Urban Musk, from the Private Blend Collection, which at 175 euros for 50 ml (I’ll do the shameful

Tom Ford Urban Musk: mind-maps and memory hard-wiring

The last day of 2011 was marked by an unplanned, unexpected purchase and a happy trip to childhood. It was Tom Ford Urban Musk, from the Private Blend Collection, which at 175 euros for 50 ml (I’ll do the shameful

A cause worth signing for(?)

I came across this petition today and I thought it was worth spreading the word. It is in French so I translate here the main body of french text: Our fragrances are reformulated without any notice in cases of: –

A cause worth signing for(?)

I came across this petition today and I thought it was worth spreading the word. It is in French so I translate here the main body of french text: Our fragrances are reformulated without any notice in cases of: –