Posts Tagged: musk

Sarah Jessica Parker Stash: celebuniche

Sarah Jessica Parker is a celebrity with a perfume line. Strangely however she has managed to have her scents (not all of them) taken seriously. Her first perfume, Lovely, is considered one of the best, if not the best, celebuscent

Sarah Jessica Parker Stash: celebuniche

Sarah Jessica Parker is a celebrity with a perfume line. Strangely however she has managed to have her scents (not all of them) taken seriously. Her first perfume, Lovely, is considered one of the best, if not the best, celebuscent

Balmain Vent Vert 1991 and 1999 versions: the question of sameness

  Have you ever found yourself wondering whether the brand new bottle of your favourite perfume is actually the real thing or a fraud? Have you ever been obsessing with minute details trying to make up your mind about whether

Balmain Vent Vert 1991 and 1999 versions: the question of sameness

  Have you ever found yourself wondering whether the brand new bottle of your favourite perfume is actually the real thing or a fraud? Have you ever been obsessing with minute details trying to make up your mind about whether

Memory of Scent for Fragrance Daily Nobile 1942 Ponte Vecchio Colonia Maxima: the spirit of the 60’s

Nobile 1942 Ponte Vecchio is a fragrance like no other. On paper it shouldn’t, as its note list reads quite straightforward. It is one of those scents however where the result is bugger than the sum of its parts. It

Memory of Scent for Fragrance Daily Nobile 1942 Ponte Vecchio Colonia Maxima: the spirit of the 60’s

Nobile 1942 Ponte Vecchio is a fragrance like no other. On paper it shouldn’t, as its note list reads quite straightforward. It is one of those scents however where the result is bugger than the sum of its parts. It

Memory of Scent for Fragrance Daily: Grossmith Golden Chypre, like Mitsouko on antidepressants

How the resurrection of a historical British perfume house calls the entire IFRA regulation drama’s bluff and proves that where there is a will, there is also a way. As I discovered smelling the current re-release of André Courrèges Empreinte

Memory of Scent for Fragrance Daily: Grossmith Golden Chypre, like Mitsouko on antidepressants

How the resurrection of a historical British perfume house calls the entire IFRA regulation drama’s bluff and proves that where there is a will, there is also a way. As I discovered smelling the current re-release of André Courrèges Empreinte

Parfum d’Empire Tabac Tabou extrait: the right to Spring

It has been a long and dreary winter for me, my main focus was putting one foot in front of the other, breathe in, breathe out, one day at a time. An anhedonic  winter which led me to care little

Parfum d’Empire Tabac Tabou extrait: the right to Spring

It has been a long and dreary winter for me, my main focus was putting one foot in front of the other, breathe in, breathe out, one day at a time. An anhedonic  winter which led me to care little

Maître Parfumeur et Gantier Cuir Fétiche: Belle de jour

If oud has rightfully owned the title of most (over)used perfume note in the ’10s leather has really made it fight for this title. In fact don’t let the hype deceive you, more fragrances launched in our decade boast the

Maître Parfumeur et Gantier Cuir Fétiche: Belle de jour

If oud has rightfully owned the title of most (over)used perfume note in the ’10s leather has really made it fight for this title. In fact don’t let the hype deceive you, more fragrances launched in our decade boast the

Nasomatto Nuda and Magnetic Scent Untitled #1: Jasmine future perfect

Winter has been very kind to Geneva and me, practically no snow inside the city throughout the cold months, which made avid skiers a bit restless because it meant they would have to plan their skiing trips well to hit

Nasomatto Nuda and Magnetic Scent Untitled #1: Jasmine future perfect

Winter has been very kind to Geneva and me, practically no snow inside the city throughout the cold months, which made avid skiers a bit restless because it meant they would have to plan their skiing trips well to hit

Jacomo Eau Cendrée: where it all began…

One of my first perfume memories ever was Jacomo Eau Cendrée (which translates to a mysterious Ash Water). I couldn’t have been older than six and yet I remember my uncle having a bottle of this. And what a bottle

Jacomo Eau Cendrée: where it all began…

One of my first perfume memories ever was Jacomo Eau Cendrée (which translates to a mysterious Ash Water). I couldn’t have been older than six and yet I remember my uncle having a bottle of this. And what a bottle

Technique Indiscrete sampling

I promised Portia that I would come back with my brief impressions of the rest of the line and here they are! Santa Subita is a powerful patchouli. It focuses on the balmy, resinous aspects with a light camphorous note.

Technique Indiscrete sampling

I promised Portia that I would come back with my brief impressions of the rest of the line and here they are! Santa Subita is a powerful patchouli. It focuses on the balmy, resinous aspects with a light camphorous note.

Daim Blond: the perfect leather for autumn

One of the first Lutens perfumes that I tried was Cèdre and I absolutely hated it. The ones that followed were also difficult for me but then came Daim Blond and it was simply stunning. It provided the key to

Daim Blond: the perfect leather for autumn

One of the first Lutens perfumes that I tried was Cèdre and I absolutely hated it. The ones that followed were also difficult for me but then came Daim Blond and it was simply stunning. It provided the key to

New Micallef releases: orientalism at its best

Back in my first days of incessant sample buying I came across Parfums M.Micallef, a luxury perfume and beauty brand founded by Martina Micallef and Geoffrey Nejman. Micallef creations although created in France, in Grasse, by a French perfumer and

New Micallef releases: orientalism at its best

Back in my first days of incessant sample buying I came across Parfums M.Micallef, a luxury perfume and beauty brand founded by Martina Micallef and Geoffrey Nejman. Micallef creations although created in France, in Grasse, by a French perfumer and

Kerosene Fields of Rubus and Wood Haven: whips and kisses

Talented John Pegg appears to be quite prolific as well. In less than two years Kerosene Perfumes is releasing their sixth and seventh scent. This is a big bet because among the first five releases stood three breathtaking perfumes: R’oud

Kerosene Fields of Rubus and Wood Haven: whips and kisses

Talented John Pegg appears to be quite prolific as well. In less than two years Kerosene Perfumes is releasing their sixth and seventh scent. This is a big bet because among the first five releases stood three breathtaking perfumes: R’oud

Serge Lutens Clair de Musc: tender is the musk

My first impression of Clair de Musc was that it is an unnecessarily expensive version of Bodyshop White Musk. After that it has been sitting in my perfume cabinet neglected until I decided to give it another try. My initial reaction

Serge Lutens Clair de Musc: tender is the musk

My first impression of Clair de Musc was that it is an unnecessarily expensive version of Bodyshop White Musk. After that it has been sitting in my perfume cabinet neglected until I decided to give it another try. My initial reaction

Eau Pour le Jeune Homme: where less is more

Every time I sit down to review a Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier perfume I get really nervous. No matter how well I try to describe them I will always be missing hints and delicate aspects that keep revealing themselves wearing

Eau Pour le Jeune Homme: where less is more

Every time I sit down to review a Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier perfume I get really nervous. No matter how well I try to describe them I will always be missing hints and delicate aspects that keep revealing themselves wearing

Etro Anice: Summer is here…

The first days with the thermometer reaching 30°C are hear. It is officially summer. I don’t enjoy hot weather that much, especially when I have to spend my days in the city, going to work and doing all the things

Etro Anice: Summer is here…

The first days with the thermometer reaching 30°C are hear. It is officially summer. I don’t enjoy hot weather that much, especially when I have to spend my days in the city, going to work and doing all the things

Serge Lutens Un Bois Vanille: Ceci n’est pas une vanille.

This perfume reminded me immediately of Magritte’s question: is it a pipe if you can’t stuff it? Is an image of a pipe the same as a pipe? The treason of images… Vanilla fragrances are not on my radar because

Serge Lutens Un Bois Vanille: Ceci n’est pas une vanille.

This perfume reminded me immediately of Magritte’s question: is it a pipe if you can’t stuff it? Is an image of a pipe the same as a pipe? The treason of images… Vanilla fragrances are not on my radar because

Fun and Games with the Malones: Introductions

With spring making a grand entrance I was in a playful mood so I decided to have some fun with my Jo Malone bottles. After all the line encourages layering. But first some introductions are in order. Pomegrenate Noir needs no

Fun and Games with the Malones: Introductions

With spring making a grand entrance I was in a playful mood so I decided to have some fun with my Jo Malone bottles. After all the line encourages layering. But first some introductions are in order. Pomegrenate Noir needs no

Fleur Poudrée de Musc: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the stinkiest of them all?

I am following smellythought’s blog regularly and he recently posted his impressions on Musc Ravageur. He mentions, as well as many others, that this was not the Devastating Musk he expected it to be and I agree. Even Muscs Koublai

Fleur Poudrée de Musc: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the stinkiest of them all?

I am following smellythought’s blog regularly and he recently posted his impressions on Musc Ravageur. He mentions, as well as many others, that this was not the Devastating Musk he expected it to be and I agree. Even Muscs Koublai

Kouros: a metaphor for life

I recently read in terror that Kouros could be reformulated (I am sure it will not be the first time) and I realized that I have never owned a bottle of this and it would be a pity to miss.

Kouros: a metaphor for life

I recently read in terror that Kouros could be reformulated (I am sure it will not be the first time) and I realized that I have never owned a bottle of this and it would be a pity to miss.

Muscs Koublai Khan: don’t fear the reaper

All previous week was marked by a horrible flu that has kept me in bed and crawling on the floor with the most exhausting cough, runny nose and tiniest fever that makes all your body ache, sends shivers up your

Muscs Koublai Khan: don’t fear the reaper

All previous week was marked by a horrible flu that has kept me in bed and crawling on the floor with the most exhausting cough, runny nose and tiniest fever that makes all your body ache, sends shivers up your