Who? Contact

Professionally a scientist. An avid perfumista. Obsessed with the subjective side of perfume. Originally from Athens, Greece, currently living in Geneva, Switzerland. Fellow blogger Ari of Scents of Self was kind enough to interview me for her blog so this is who I am! Birgit kindly interviewed me here.

Perfume is genderless but this blog displays views and reviews from a man’s perspective.  Any gender specific mentions are only used to emphasize that perfume is genderless.

This is not a blog with perfume reviews of the latest releases. This is a blog about fragrances that I like and make me feel passionate.  My perfume reviews are not based on facts but are a product of my life with these perfumes, my memories of them and their impact on my life and the way I have evolved to experience perfume. There is the occasional rumbling about novelties, curiosities, vanities and obsessions. Most of all please keep in mind what my friend Suzanne of Eiderdownpress has so eloquently confessed. It applies to me so I copy with respect and admiration:

“Qualifications for writing about perfumes: Absolutely none, other than being a smitten fragrance fan.  The reviews in my perfume journal are based on my subjective olfactory experiences. (In other words, don’t take my word for it: always sample first!)”

All reviews are based on skin wearings of perfumes that I own unless differently stated. My reviews are not promotional. Promotional samples are welcome but this does not mean that they will be reviewed favourably a priori.

All writings on this blog are by me. All main photos on this blog are originally created for this blog by me or by Pantelis Makkas, unless clicking on the photo links you to the outside source. All text and photos are copyrighted. Feel free to link to my blog. Reproduction of photos or text without a link to this blog is prohibited.


  1. Thank you for following! I only found today your blog, but not by chance, it’s because my avid desire for finding new scents that excite my senses. I became aware of a different world of perfumes two years ago when I went to a talk held by Roja Dove. I left that room with one sticks smelling like civet and one thought in my mind: I have to educate my smell…so here I am pursuing that thought. I like reading blogs like yours because the way you describe, in such extraordinary words how a scent touches you.

    • Thank you for reaching out. I hope you find your way into this world that can be confounding and liberating at the same time. And most of all I hope that perfumes inspire you to create images. The beauty of perfume is very difficult to describe and share as it is highly subjective. I chose words to express it, You could do it with your images.

  2. That’s a challenge, I gladly take it! The first thing that comes into my mind is ‘fig’ – I love figs and into discovering beautiful fig based perfumes now. I have a few images in my mind, I’ll try to put them together and share when done. I am not good at words that’s why I treasure your blog, it’s easy for me to create images, shapes, colours that tell a story. I am sniffing Philosykos by Diptyque as I write…

  3. Of course you understand my lust for figs, you live in Greece. It’s a funny coincidence! Why not, you write the words and I complete the story with pictures curated carefully to compliment the words and the scent. What do you have in mind?

    • Actually doing it both ways would be fun too! You illustrate, I write the story and vice versa! It is more work but could also be more fun. Where would you get figs to shoot this time of the year though? 🙂

  4. Sounds good. Why dont I put together some photos, the ones that depict the way I would describe with words Philosykos, send them through to you to add the words. Let’s see how that goes. If by the end we think it’s fun we’ll do the other way around (your words and choice of perfume first and then my pictures – did I get it right?). Actually, I had figs a few weeks ago from the turkish shop across the street, not sure they have any left. I think fig pictures would be too obvious, tough, I’m thinking more of a metaphorical approach, it gives me a chance to dig deeper into this scent.

  5. Perfume are memories made liquid bottled and sold.

    Like memories they are without gender.

    What a wonderful site, a treasure trove this gentleman is so pleased to have stumbled upon.

  6. James aka Sacredsystem

    Greetings my fellow Hellene,
    I just wanted to say that I love your site and wish you the very best.

  7. Aida

    Hello to everybody! Please can you help me, I try to find place where I could by Montale in Athens?

    • Hello Aida. I am afraid there isn’t a Montale stockist in Athens. Best way to go is buy samples from First in Fragrance or any other online sampling site and once you have found what you want order directly from Montale by email. They are very generous and to be trusted with your credit card details. I have bought from them myself several times

  8. Aida

    Ευχαριστώ πολύ, Christos, for your answer! I didn’t know which one exactly I would
    Iike to buy, I have few in my mind, but I want to taste firstly)) I didn’t understand about First in Fragrance, sorry(( what is that?

    • It is a very good online shop for perfumes. Based in Germany, so shipping is reasonable. Google “first in fragrance aus liebe zum duft”. There is also Essenza Nobile (google it), also based in Germany

  9. Aida

    Thank you, I ll do it !

    • And keep in mind that Montale will send you a 20ml bottle of your choice free of charge with any 100ml bottle you buy from them! They also have a very interesting 6x20ml buying option.

  10. I’m looking for recommendations on a “Sandlewood” scented men’s cologne. Thanks!

  11. Pingback: Sarah Jessica Parker Stash: celebuniche | Memory Of Scent

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